Hi, I'm Ichwan Sholihin. Java Developer and Lecturer Assistant

Have a strong passion for software developments. Likes to share knowledge and experiences to anyone and also actively participating in various communities to contribute meaningful value for society.

About memy stats

Fresh graduated from Bachelor of Informatics, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia with ‘Cumlaude’ predicate. Self-motivated problem solver with three years’ experience in Software Development using Java and Kotlin. Designed and maintained the apps full stacks through planning, design and deployment. Currently have several published apps in PlayStore and open-source Android project in Github, as well as several articles about Android Development written in Medium. Have a good leadership and strong communication when joining and active in student activities, both external or internal campus organizations and also strong passion for teaching and share experiences through lecturer assistant and instructor to 30-50 students per class.

My Skills


RESTful API, Threading, Architecture Component, Clean Architecture, Dependency Injection, Unit Testing.


Spring Boot, RxJava/Flow, Apache Maven, Unit Testing.


Competitive Programming

UI Design



September 2019 - July 2023

Undergraduated Student - Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Current GPA: 3.70 (view transcript) and finalist in National Software Development Competition UNITY #10 UNY (view certificate).

September 2021 - December 2021

Student Exchange - Universitas Indonesia

Participating in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Parallel Programming (view transcript).

Internship and Work Experiences

January 2022 - Present

Lecturer Assistant and Lab Instructor - Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Created the practice modules and helps lecturer to prepare lesson for class and teaching several practice course such as Mobile Programming, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Software Development Planning (SDP) and Software Testing.

June 2023 - August 2023

Mobile Engineer - GOTO Impact Foundation

Participated at Generasi Gigih 3.0 program as Mobile Engineer and learning about Android software development such as Kotlin coroutines, architecture component, design pattern, dependency injection and testing which is implemented in develop a final assignment about disaster apps by implementing REST API, MVVM, modularization, dependency injection, unit testing and etc. As well as some soft skill course and English for business.

July 2022 - September 2022

Mentee - Digistar Class Telkom

Participated at Digistar Class 2022 apprenticeship program in Design Thinking and Growth Mindset mentoring classes and learn soft skills courses such as making decisions, negotiating, building personal branding and also influencing other people.

August 2021 - December 2021

Teacher and IT Support - SDN 1 Rejomulyo

Helped teachers in class, provided the computer training for students and teachers and developed the digital library schools app for Android-based.

Organization Experiences

December 2022 - Present

Head of development - Media Komunikasi Alumni Rohis (MEKAR) Natar

Manage several Islamic spiritual organizations in Natar, South Lampung for provided mentoring and self-development lessons.

August 2021 - Present

Android Tutor - UKM Programming Teknokrat

Held Android training for dozens of student activity members and was directly involved in campus apps development projects.

January 2022 - December 2022

General Secretary - UKMI Ar-Rahman Teknokrat

Developing the organization's secretariat website and serving as the executive chairman for leadership and training activities.

January 2022 - July 2022

Development Participant - BMKA Salman ITB

Participate in mentoring activity regarding leadership and individual development and also religious activities.

My PortfolioMy Work

Here is some of my work that I've done in various programming languages.


Modul BBQ UKMI Ar-Rahman

Point of Sales Teknokrat

Movie App

Cinema Tix

My BlogsMy Articles

Design of a Web-Based New Member Registration Information System at UKMI Ar-Rahman Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

As one of the student activity which is a role model in the active role of students, especially those who are Muslim in the campus environment, media publications are the most important thing to support the recruitment process as well as disseminate information about activities (Sholihin & Ariyani, 2023).

Decision Support System for Admission of Lecturer Assistants Using the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) Method

In this research, the MAUT method will be used to calculate the final grades of prospective assistant lecturers based on the test criteria they have passed with the aim of ensuring that the selection of assistant lecturers can proceed objectively (Sholihin, 2023).

Building Reusable, Readable and Testable Code Structures with Dependency Injection in Kotlin

Implementing DI provides benefits such as code that is reusable (can be reused), readable (easy to read) and testable (easy to test) when implementing unit or instrument testing in its development.

Ktor: An Alternative to Spring Boot for Back-End Services in Kotlin

Ktor has a more declarative approach and focuses on functional programming rather than Spring Boot with its annotation approach.

Handle Events from Other Applications Using Broadcast Receiver

Broadcast Receiver is a component on Android that can send and receive messages about events that occur in other apps.

Using buildSrc and Kotlin DSL in Dependency Management Gradle

Discusses best practices for managing dependencies more efficiently using BuildSrc and the Kotlin DSL plugin in Gradle.

Do This to Secure Data Access to the Server when Developing Android Apps

One way to ensure that the data in the Android application being developed remains safe and avoids the risk of theft of sensitive data.

Contact MeContact

Contact me here

I would be very happy if you would like to invite me to collaborate and discuss about software development


: South Lampung, Indonesia


: ichwansholihin03@gmail.com


: Bahasa, English